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University of Salerno


How to address sustainability, equity and efficiency trade-offs in the cases of small scale fisheries based in Greece & Italy” intends to create large databases for the analysis and evaluation of the sustainable exploitation of a natural resource, namely, fisheries based in Greece and Italy. The main objectives of the project are: acquisition of technical, statistical and economic knowledge for the use of large datasets regarding the exploitation of natural resources, in particular fishery resources; comparative analysis and comparison between two Mediterranean countries, Italy and Greece; development of policy guidelines for the management of natural resources. The study will cover all phases of database design and construction before moving on to the development and application of innovative algorithms, methods and statistical models for Big Data Analytics. The focus on the applications in the fisheries sector will guide the aims and implementation of the analysis phases as well as the implications of the empirical results achieved.

Financial Resources
The project was funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under the “Innovative Industrial Doctorates” Action, Cycle XXXIV - Academic Year 2018-2019. For the implementation of this initiative, the University of Salerno, which received 85.743,06 euro in funding, established a 3-year doctoral scholarship in “Statistics for Big Data” at the Department of Economics and Statistics.

The project falls within the Blue Growth specialization area and is developed under the National Fisheries Data Collection Plan. The study has a high degree of innovation and development potential since it will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge on the management of large databases (Big Data), a rather recent and still little investigated field of study that combines technical and quantitative innovation with recent developments in economic analysis for a sustainable use of natural resources. The project focuses on the statistical analysis of the fisheries sector, which is closely linked to the structure of the market and the characteristics of production companies, and is aimed at providing the necessary information for the regulation of markets and the protection of fisheries resources implemented by the public operator. The programme will provide the PhD student with theoretical and empirical training and professional statistical analytical training in the management of Big Data databases in one of the most important Blue Economy sectors. These highly marketable skills are easily transferable to the world of work both nationally and internationally.
The project includes a 6-month placement at Nisea, a research institute engaged in the collection, processing and analysis of the primary economic data for the fishing fleet and fish processing industry in Italy, and a 6-month placement in Athens at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AGRERI), responsible for the analysis of the economic data for the Greek fishing fleet.

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