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Fund of Funds for Research and Innovation
In the framework of the implementation of the National Operational Programme (NOP) on Research and Innovation 2014-2020, and with a view to increasing investment in research and development by providing appropriate financial instruments, as identified through the ex-ante evaluation carried out by the EIB in July 2016, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), formerly MIUR, has established an EIB-managed "Fund of Funds" (FoF) for research and innovation of national relevance, in accordance with Article 38 (4)(b)(i) of the Common Provision Regulation (CPR) and the provisions of the "Financing Agreement" signed on 15 December 2016 between MUR and EIB.
The Fund has a budget of 270 million euro. In October, an updated version of the Public Notice No. 372/2018 was published concerning the granting of funding under Axis II "Thematic Projects" - Action II.3 "Research Projects in Enabling Technologies" along with the contact channels and some updates following the Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 ("Omnibus").
The EU resources available to the Fund of Funds are invested through financial instruments managed by Equiter SpA, Banca del Mezzogiorno-MCC and Banco di Sardegna S.p.A. The intermediaries are selected by the EIB to allocate loans, equity or quasi-equity or equivalent instruments to the selected research and innovation projects.
The contractual agreements made between EIB and the intermediaries governing the management, monitoring and check mode for the use of the starting amount, available to the final recipients, of EUR 248 milion. These resources are distributed as follows:
- Research and Innovation Fund S.r.l. (Intesa Sanpaolo Group)/Equiter S.p.A: loans, equity or quasi-equity or equivalent instruments for an amount of EUR 124 milion;
- Banca del Mezzogiorno - Medio Credito Centrale (MCC): loans instruments for an amount of EUR 62 milion;
- Banco di Sardegna S.p.A.: loans, equity or quasi-equity or equivalent instruments for an amount of EUR 62 milion.
The implementation of the financial instrument is primarily intended for the eight regions targeted by the Programme (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily, Abruzzo, Molise and Sardinia), but also for the remaining areas of the Country, in compliance with the provisions of Art.70 of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 and subsequent modifications and additions, following the conclusion of the written consultation procedure by the Monitoring Committeeof the NOP on Research and Innovation 2014-2020, held on 21 june 2017.
Research and Innovation Funds can be used to finance industrial research and experimental development activities, based on the selection criteria adopted by the NOP on Research and Innovation, and will support the development and use of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) within the thematic areas of the National Smart Specialization Strategy (SNSI). The Fund's investment strategy provides for the possibility of setting up a national platform for research and innovation using EIB's own resources or resources provided by other national and regional operational programmes and/or other national and regional financial intermediaries.
The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 31 December 2022, until all available resources have been used, which will be communicated as appropriate.