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Innovative Industrial Doctorates - Cycle XXXIV

L'immagine raffigura una testa con un cervello stilizzato su sfondo blu


With the Directorial Decree of 4 May 2018, No. 1090, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), formerly MIUR, issued a new notice for the implementation of the measures in support of human capital provided for by the NOP on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 - Axis I "Investment in Human Capital" - Action I.1 "Innovative Industrial Doctorates". The action is part of the National Research Programme 2015-2020 and involves the funding of three-year PhD scholarships co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), for a total budget of over 18 million euro.

The call, concerning the Innovative Industrial Doctorates scheduled by Universities for Cycle XXXIV, is intended for state and non-state Universities recognized by MUR with administrative and operational offices in the less developed regions (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily) and transition regions (Abruzzo, Molise and Sardinia).

The initiative continues the cooperation with the business world and international leading institutions introduced in the previous editions of the call, which has allowed Universities in the eight southern regions to increase the attractiveness of their doctoral programmes and has given PhD students the opportunity to receive industrial-oriented training and research experience and improve their employment opportunities while producing positive effects for the entire production systems of the areas involved in the Programme.
In addition, the call takes into consideration the development trajectories identified in the National Smart Specialization Strategy 2014-2020, with special regard to the needs related to the manufacturing transformation strategy supported by Industry 4.0 and to the training and skills required by the Big Data sector.

The logos for the documents are available from this link.

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