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Innovative Industrial Doctorates – Cycle XXXV

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With the Directorial Decree of 13 September 2019, No. 1747, MUR (formerly MIUR) issued a call for expression of interest for the funding of additional PhD scholarships for Cycle XXXV funded by the NOP on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 and COP Research and Innovation 2014-2020. In the academic year 2019/2020 - Cycle XXXV, MUR continues the implementation of the measures in support of human capital provided for by the NOP on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Axis I "Investment in Human Capital" – Action I.1 Innovative Industrial Doctorates.

Expressions of interest for the funding of PhD scholarships were submitted by Universities from less developed and transition regions with specific projects approved by D.D. of 5 November 2018, No. 2983, Attachments C and D. and related to accredited PhD programmes for Cycle XXXV, pursuant to the Ministerial Decree 45/2013 and the related accreditation guidelines for the 2019 courses.

To date, 246 applications for Innovative Industrial PhD Scholarships have been admitted for a total of over 21.5 million euro and the scholarships are currently being awarded and monitored by MUR, formerly MIUR.

The logos for the documents are available from this link: 

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