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REACT-EU – Research contracts on innovation and green topics
Axis IV “Education and research for recovery – REACT-EU”, included in the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 following the approval of the reprogramming by the European Commission on 6 August 2021, includes two new Actions for research contracts on innovation and green topics.
The new Actions, applicable to the whole national territory and financed entirely by the additional ESF REACT-EU resources, are Action IV.4 –PhD programmes and research contracts on innovation topics, and Action IV.6-Research contracts on green topics. Ministerial Decree no. 1062 of 10 August 2021 allocated over 94 million euro for research contracts on innovation topics and 155 million euro for research contracts on green topics. The resources allocated will allow beneficiaries to award fixed-term type A research contracts, as per art. 24, para. 3 of Law no. 240 of 30 December 2010.
Specifically, Action IV.4 aims to finance research activities about innovation, enabling technologies and the broader theme of digital in order to promote and support the enhancement of the human capital engaged in research and innovation. The objective of Action IV.6 is to finance research contracts with particular reference to the themes of green transition, ecosystem conservation, biodiversity and reduction of the impacts of climate change. In addition, research activities must be consistent with the lines defined in the National Smart Specialization Strategy and in the National Research Programme.
Each beneficiary must proceed with the selection of candidates by approving and issuing a public call for applications for additional PhD positions. The amounts of the PhD scholarships correspond to the financial resources made available by the Programme in the competition and scientific disciplinary sectors consistent with the thematic areas covered by the research activities.
In order to be eligible under the NOP Research and Innovation Programme, the activities must be carried out by 31 December 2023.
The Tender Specifications attached to MD 1062/2021 were updated on 24 September 2021 (see FAQ no.11).