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Strengthening of Research Infrastructures

L'immagine raffigura sullo sfondo il panorama di una città con in primo piano dei simboli che rappresentano le infrastrutture di ricerca


With the Directorial Decree of 28 February 2018, No. 424, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), formerly MIUR, published a notice concerning the granting of funding aimed at strengthening research infrastructures (RIs), in the framework of the implementation of Action II.1 of the NOP on Research and Innovation 2014-2020.

The notice is designed to finance projects aimed at strengthening the RIs identified as priorities by the Ministry of University and Research in the PNIR 2014-2020 and eligible to apply for NOP funds. These infrastructures are essential for the implementation of projects covering one or more ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) areas and having a significant impact on the trajectories of the National Smart Specialization Strategy, while being able to ensure self-sufficiency in the medium and long term and to implement interventions in the less developed and transition regions targeted by the Programme.

The evaluation of the project proposals was carried out by a Commission appointed by MUR and composed of 7 members selected by the National Committee of Research Guarantors (CNGR) among Italian and foreign professionals with proven expertise in the field of research infrastructures and included in a special ministerial list or in the Register of expert groups managed by the European Commission.

The 18 selected projects started implementing their activities between June and July 2019 and will be developed over a period of 24 to 32 months, also involving 8 infrastructures recognized by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) as ERIC: European Research Infrastructure Consortium. The ERIC status is reserved for research infrastructures that carry out excellent and cutting-edge research, thus contributing to the strengthening of European research at international level.

The budget foreseen for these measures is of over 326 million euro, of which about 286 million from "NOP on Research and Innovation 2014-2020" resources and 5.4 million from the Development and Cohesion Fund allocated under the "Research and Innovation 2015-2017" Plan.

The funding granted covers 100% of eligible costs up to a maximum of 20 million euro for each project (in a "no-aid" context). The single projects that will upgrade the 18 research infrastructures selected have an impact, in terms of use of allocated funding, on different areas: 86.1% of the resources will support the development of expertise and facilities in the less developed regions and 13% will be invested in the transition regions.

The 18 selected projects will contribute to the country's technological innovation, in line with the national thematic areas defined in the NSSS 2014-2020. There is a significant investment in the areas Digital Agenda, Smart Communities, Smart Mobility Systems (28%), Aerospace and Defence (25%), Health, Food, Quality of Life (25%).
The three types of upgrading involve the purchase of over 1,000 items, with a strong prevalence of scientific instrumentation, research equipment and instruments and their accessories.

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