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Agrifood, at the University of Basilicata a Study on How to Innovate Agrifood Chains
The research project, carried out within the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures: Architecture, Environment, and Cultural Heritage (DICEM) of the University of Basilicata, falls within the Agrifood specialization area and involves one researcher.
The study aims to innovate agrifood chains starting from productive (rural and urban) ecosystems up to the enhancement of the product, the territory and the consumer through the training of new researchers. FAO estimates that farmers will have to produce 70% more food over the next 40 years while the World Bank has reported a constant reduction in the area of agricultural land. This means that in the next few years we will have to produce more food on less agricultural area.
Financial Resources
The project is funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 within the framework of Action 1.2 “Researcher Mobility”, AIM Call, with a total budget of 187.584,84 euro for the recruitment of one researcher on a fixed-term contract.
The study aims to boost the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, ensure the sustainable management of natural resources and climate action, and achieve a balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities, including the creation and preservation of jobs. It also promotes knowledge transfer and innovation in the agricultural sector and in rural areas while encouraging learning and vocational training in agriculture and forestry.