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Cultural Heritage, in Sicily a Study on Innovative Systems to Promote the Territory


The research project carried out within the Department of Cultures and Societies of the University of Palermo involves two researchers and falls within the Cultural Heritage specialization area, in line with the objectives of the Technologies for Cultural Heritage area.
The study aims at the promotion of Sicily’s extensive cultural heritage through an interdisciplinary approach combining archaeological and art history methodologies with technologies for 3D surveying and modelling, data recording, management and processing in a GIS environment, digital communication and storytelling. The aim is to restore the landscape-context nexus and increase the educational value of cultural heritage through innovative virtual restitution and storytelling techniques that involve the audience, thus improving the visiting experience while effectively conveying the content. Both case studies – the Belice and Bagheria-Solunto districts – focus on contexts of great historical, cultural and environmental importance that have remained marginal to the communities involved. Starting from an integrated reading of the ruins, innovative contemporary languages are developed for the promotion of territorial resources.

Financial Resources
The project is funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Action 1.2 “Researcher Mobility”, Call “Attraction and International Mobility of Researchers” (AIM) with a total budget of 371.417,94 euro for the recruitment of two researchers on fixed-term contracts.

The project aims at the survey, documentation and socialization of archaeological contexts and contemporary art hubs which are the main local resource for a sustainable, lasting and inclusive development of the two Sicilian districts examined. The results are intended to be used for the management, conservation and integrated promotion of the cultural heritage and territory, also fostering the development of innovative entrepreneurship on site and the attraction of external energies and actors, with benefits both for the advancement of knowledge and for the engagement of society in the recovery and use of the local extensive cultural heritage. A crucial element is the integration of lines of research relating to different historical and cultural fields whose activities, however, can intersect and take root in the same territory combining with the natural and anthropic environmental aspects, thus shaping the experience of those who immerse themselves in memory and the cultural landscape.

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