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Health, Cancer and Autism Spectrum Disorders Studied at the University of L’Aquila
The research projects carried out within the Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences of the University of L’Aquila fall within the Health specialization area and involve two researchers.
The first study aims to validate a technology-enhanced intervention based on an adaptive learning system in the form of an interactive game, which offers people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) a personalized learning path towards the acquisition of social cognitive skills. The effectiveness of this approach will be tested through the evaluation of a group of 30 people with ASDs.
The second research project focuses on the study of molecular mechanisms underlying tumourigenesis and resistance to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as the identification and characterization of new molecular targets for precision medicine.
Financial Resources
The projects are funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Action 1.2 “Researcher Mobility”, Call “Attraction and International Mobility of Researchers” (AIM) with a total budget of 386.424,90 euro for the recruitment of two researchers on fixed-term contracts.
The first research project proposes rehabilitation interventions, based on innovative technologies, aimed at improving communication and social interaction while reducing anxiety and aggressive behaviour in autistic people, with a positive impact on the social wellbeing of families and the social-health system involved in the care and treatment of autistic people. The design and development of the adaptive learning system aims to set out guidelines for users with ASDs and establish methodologies for specialized design.
The second study aims to improve the therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment, significantly affecting patient survival while reducing health and socio-economic costs. The project will have a specific impact on the fields related to neoplastic diseases and related stakeholders (doctors, patients, patient associations).