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“IMPARA - FROM MOLECULES TO PRECLINICAL STUDIES” involves the enhancement of laboratories of excellence in the field of bioimaging through the acquisition of a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies for biological imaging (microscopy) and preclinical biomedical imaging (hybrid PET/RM methods and optical/rad imaging). The proposed enhancement will make it possible to carry out preclinical studies with non-invasive methods, optimizing test results while safeguarding animal welfare. The project will also contribute to the development of innovative strategies for personalized assessment of prognosis by using molecular targets (identification of the individual risk classes, personalized medicine, prediction of response to therapy).

Financial Resources 
The project was funded with 19.951.000 euro by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Axis II “Thematic Projects”, Action II.1 “Enhancement of Research Infrastructures” which supports projects aimed at the upgrading of 18 research infrastructures identified as priorities by the Ministry of University and Research in the PNIR 2014-2020, covering one or more ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) areas and having a significant impact on the trajectories of the National Smart Specialization Strategy.

Impact on the Territory
The beneficiary of the funding is CNR (National Research Council) and the research infrastructure involved is Euro Bioimaging (European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences), a European infrastructure in line with the mission of ESFRI: support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe and facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to a better use and development of research infrastructures at EU and international level. The infrastructure is made up of a network of laboratories of excellence and at the forefront in the field of bioimaging which provide open access to a variety of state-of-the-art biological and biomedical imaging technologies for preclinical and clinical studies. The network of laboratories involves centres of scientific excellence of the Research Area Napoli 1 (AdRNa1) that, once the upgrade is complete, will establish itself as a centre of scientific and technical excellence available to the national scientific community, with a potential to attract the European scientific community. The project falls within the “Health, Nutrition and Quality of Life” area and is in line with the following development trajectories: E-health, advanced diagnostics, medical devices and minimal invasiveness.

Further information (in Italian):

Sito CNR: progetti Infrastrutture di ricerca finanziati dal PON Ricerca e Innovazione
News CNR su riconoscimento EuroBioImaging come ERIC

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