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IPANEMA aims to enhance a part of ERIC – ECCSEL (European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure), the pan-European infrastructure devoted to the improvement of expertise and knowledge in the field of applied geosciences, in particular the ECCSEL NatLab-Italy natural laboratory of Panarea, an integral part of the Italian node of which OGS, the funding recipient, has been the lead institution since 2018.
The land-based site will be equipped with new, highly innovative scientific laboratory and field instrumentation for sampling, in situ observations and data acquisition, thus enabling multidisciplinary studies in the physical, chemical, biological and geological sciences. Marine sensor technology will be deployed through the implementation of a new submarine observatory hosting sensors, such as AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) and ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) which can reach areas that are difficult to reach for normal research vessels. The measurements obtained will be made available and used in research on climate change, ocean observations, fisheries and habitat mapping, offshore aquaculture, maritime archaeology, ecology of deep-sea environments, environmental monitoring and the ecosystem.

Financial Resources
The project obtained 8.786.920,18 euro from the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020  under the action “Enhancement of Research Infrastructures” which supports projects aimed at the upgrading of 18 research infrastructures identified as priorities by the Ministry of University and Research in the PNIR 2014-2020, covering one or more ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) areas and having a significant impact on the trajectories of the National Smart Specialization Strategy included in the “Smart and Sustainable Industry, Energy and Environment” area.

Impact on the Territory
The beneficiary of the funding is the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics. The proposed upgrading will increase the capacity of the existing infrastructure to attract the scientific and industrial community, national and international, involved in climate change issues and, in particular, CO2 capture and storage and ocean acidification due to an excess of dissolved CO2. The Panarea laboratory will become an innovative and dynamic centre of knowledge production, well-positioned and integrated in Europe, thanks to its participation in the ECCSEL ERIC infrastructure, and it will contribute to the promotion of Italian scientific and technological excellence at the international level. From a scientific point of view, the project is expected to significantly increase a broad spectrum knowledge with positive impact on the production system through: control and monitoring technologies for CO2 storage sites; identification of procedures and biological markers to improve the capacity of marine ecosystems to respond to increased CO2 concentrations; identification of the most appropriate techniques and methodologies for monitoring, protection and management of marine biota for offshore storage sites (Best Environmental Practices).

Further information (in Italian):

Scheda del progetto sul sito dell'OGS

Comunicato stampa OGS

Ricerche su clima e Co2 Quasi 9 milioni all’OGS
(dal Piccolo di Trieste, 22 marzo 2019)

OGS, progetto “Ipanema”. 8,8 milioni per studiare i cambiamenti del clima con la tecnologia
(da Trieste Oggi, 20 marzo 2019)

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