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“FOAK STEM” is based on the innovative STEM (Solar Thermo-Electric Magaldi) technology, developed by the proposing company, to produce energy from solar radiation through a concentrated solar power (CSP) system, thermal energy storage (TES), steam production and subsequent conversion of the thermal energy obtained into electricity. The project proposes the construction of a new configuration of the existing prototype (in operation since June 2016 at the Integrated Energy hub of A2A Group in San Filippo del Mela-Messina). The new configuration, based on the use of 1700 heliostats of 7 m2 each, aims to achieve the following technological objectives:
- improvement of heliostat tracking and aiming
- improvement of the beam-down system (materials and optics)
- integration into the system of a steam turbine with power output of 5.0 MW.
Financial Resources
This project received 4.434.707 euro in funding from the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under action "Thematic Projects - Key Enabling Technologies - KETs" through the Fund of Funds for Research and Innovation managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and established to increase investment in research and development. The EU resources available to the Fund of Funds are invested through one or more financial intermediaries and may take the form of loans, equity or quasi-equity, or equivalent instruments.
Impact on the Territory
The beneficiary of the funding is Magaldi Power SpA. The technology used in this project has strong potential for exports to markets with high insolation, with consequent effects on employment and on the company’s knowledge and innovation capacity, in particular with regard to knowledge of emerging markets and their needs. All this aims to activate virtuous paths towards international competitiveness. For the implementation of this project, the company will rely on engineers with experience in the design of thermal power plants, in mechanical design and in power generation and process engineering. The company will also establish collaborations with research centres engaged in CSP technologies.