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Energies for the Environment - TARANTO
“Energies for the Environment - TARANTO” aims to develop innovative sustainable technologies for in situ purification of groundwater and soil of contaminated sites, by defining a general protocol which can also be applied to other industrial sites besides the industrial sites in the city of Taranto, contaminated by organic and inorganic compounds. The objective is the development of new technologies and products for the remediation of contaminated water and soil and for the production of liquid and gaseous biofuels from sludge and biomass deriving from purification and bioremediation processes. The proposed technologies promote energy efficiency by transforming waste (wastewater, sludge, reclaimed biomass) into renewable energy sources, encouraging a profound reconsideration of how we produce and use energy and how we do business while promoting circular economy and decarbonization. The project also contributes to the activities related to H2020 “Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy” and “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” Societal Challenges.
Financial Resources
This 30-month project was funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Axis II “Thematic Projects”, action “Clusters”, which finances industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 specialization areas identified by the National Research Programme (NRP) 2015-2020, in particular in the “Energy” specialization area. For the implementation of this initiative, a budget of 4.793.999,96 euro was allocated to the following beneficiaries forming the public-private partnership:
- National Research Council
- University of BOLOGNA
- Omnitech Srl
- University of BARI “ALDO MORO”
- Biotec Srl
Impact on the Territory
By using wastewater pollution abatement technologies, the project will promote the strategic repositioning of highly damaged areas, with an impact on the main factors of regional development and increasing the propensity of companies to innovate in order to ensure higher investment levels, generate a virtuous economic circle and improve the employment rate in the area.
The project is aimed at the development of emerging market opportunities in fast growing sectors, in particular between industrial partners operating in the remediation and energy sectors, generating higher attractiveness and competitiveness in both national and international markets. Competitive and strategic repositioning will be particularly evident in the following aspects:
- significant increase in the technological content of the products and services offered;
- activation of paths promoting higher energy quality and sustainability and reduced contamination levels;
- promotion of a new model of non-polluting energy development to improve environmental quality and population well-being;
- multilevel effects on employment;
- Regeneration of abandoned industrial sites and contaminated agricultural land;
- increase in the environmental quality of the territory and enhancement of the local cultural heritage also through the involvement of citizens.
Further information (in Italian):
Sito dell’Università di Bologna – Pagina dedicata al progetto
Sito del CNR – Pagina dedicata al progetto
Sito dell'Istituto di chimica dei composti organometallici - Pagina dedicata al progetto