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“SAFE – Sustainable Design for Smart, Earthquake-Proof and Life-Saving Furniture Systems” aims to study, develop and build smart, earthquake-proof and life-saving furniture systems for schools and offices. These are innovative, concrete and effective solutions that respond to the growing demand for safety in daily life, emerged once again after the earthquakes that struck central Italy in 2016, and which integrate technical-scientific knowledge and expertise in fields as diverse as Design, Structural Engineering, Computer Science and Chemistry. The challenge to scientific, technological and industrial research is to innovate and structurally transform the design of furniture and mobile equipment used in schools and offices into smart, passive safety systems that can contribute to saving lives. The development and integration of sensors, the so-called “smart objects”, and an IT management platform will help locate and find people under collapsed buildings after earthquakes, thus improving performance in terms of safety, environmental sustainability and health.

Financial Resources
This 30-month project was funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Axis II “Thematic Projects”, action “Clusters”, which finances industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 specialization areas identified by the National Research Programme (NRP) 2015-2020, in particular in the “Design, Creativity and Made in Italy” specialization area. For the implementation of this initiative, a budget of 3.230.619,49 euro was allocated to the following beneficiaries forming the public-private partnership:

  • University of Camerino (lead partner);
  • University of L’Aquila;
  • University of Basilicata;
  • Cosmob SpA;
  • Z. Ufficio Srl;
  • it Srl;
  • Styloffice SpA;
  • Camillo SIrianni SAS;
  • Santer Reply SpA;
  • Filippetti SpA;
  • Icam Srl

Impact on the Territory
Through a multidisciplinary technical-scientific approach to innovation and the sharing of different know-how resources, the project will contribute to the development and competitiveness of Italy’s Wood-Furniture industry, one of the key sectors of the Italian economy, consisting mainly of owner-operated small and medium-sized enterprises. The integration of the specific technical know-how of traditional furniture companies with the technological know-how of ICT and IoT (Internet of Things) companies will generate a wider innovative impact, thus considerably accelerating the industrial application of research results. In particular, the project aims to produce long-lasting, significant and original results that will continue to be useful and used well beyond the end of the project and that can have an impact on national anti-seismic regulations by developing models and guidelines to support the design of earthquake-proof furniture.

Further information (in Italian):

Sito del progetto

Presentazione pubblica del progetto SAFE
(11 ottobre 2019)

Unicam guida progetto arredo salva-vita
(da Ansa del 16 ottobre 2019)

Arredi intelligenti e salva-vita durante eventi sismici
(da Officelayout del 6 febbraio 2020)

Video sul progetto

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