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Precision Medicine, Three Research Projects for the Treatment of Cancer at the University of Campania
The research projects conducted within the Department of Precision Medicine at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” fall within the Health, Blue Growth, and Agrifood specialization areas and involve four researchers.
The first study aims to develop an integrated technology platform, with new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic approaches and non-invasive tools (liquid biopsy) for the identification of patients genetically predisposed to the disease. Following a new approach to cancer diagnosis and therapy, the project focuses on the identification of genomic and epigenomic alterations in tumours and rare genetic diseases and on the integration of molecular and clinical aspects.
The second research study aims to identify new molecules extracted from selected populations of microalgae with anti-cancer activities and develop specific preclinical models to identify compounds that at low doses can induce a “protective” response to diseases such as cancer. In addition, the project aims to develop a new generation of functionalized, nanostructured and non-nanostructured, multiplexed biosensors for the detection of environmental pollutants that tend to biomagnify in the food chain, with a huge impact on health.
The third research project focuses on the study of the epigenetic regulatory properties of functionalized milk in cancer prevention and aims to define the intracellular targets of the bioactive metabolites and miRNAs of bovine and buffalo milk, determining their action and regulation mechanisms. It is also expected to carry out studies on the interaction of the bioactive compounds, miRNAs and anticancer agents normally used in the treatment of colorectal cancer, breast and prostate adenocarcinomas and hepatocellular carcinoma in order to highlight potential drug interactions.
Financial Resources
The projects are funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Actions 1.2 and 2.1 “Researcher Mobility” and “Attraction of Researchers”, Call “Attraction and International Mobility of Researchers” (AIM), with a total budget of 765.346,32 euro for the recruitment of four researchers on fixed-term contracts.
The first research project aims to export a clinical research model internationally, thus making a significant contribution to the competitive growth of the national socio-economic system.
The second study will develop and validate production lines for the sustainable use of natural resources. Expected results include strengthening of research capacity in the field of marine biotechnology at national level and reinforcing collaboration between various organizations locally. The project will have a positive impact on the development and competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry and SMEs, helping to bridge the gaps in the BlueBiotech sector in Italy, with beneficial effects on the economy of Southern Italy.
Through the production of milk and fresh milk derivatives functionalized with biomolecules and miRNAs, the third project will lead to the implementation of an innovative and original production process able to boost and expand the market and introduce new production processes with the creation of safe foods with a high nutritional and functional value.