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G2RWD - Gemelli Generator Real World Data
“Gemelli Generator Real World Data - G2-RWD” intends to create a platform for the delivery of digital healthcare solutions aimed at research/clinical practice and at the pharmaceutical, electromedical and insurance sectors. The application of these techniques in the field of medicine and the introduction of solutions within the software as a medical device paradigm are fast-growing research and innovation areas.
The project will contribute to clinical research by using a volume of over 760 million historic data from the clinical systems of Gruppo Gemelli and by relying on Artificial Intelligence to identify key factors in disease onset/evolution, as well as producing high-impact scientific research. This will allow digital models to be integrated into clinical practice and support the choice and design of new therapies for personalized care models and real-time decision support systems, thus translating the intellectual capital of historic data and clinical experience into “actionable knowledge” and rigorous, validated predictive models.
The project will be developed at three hospitals, which are already highly integrated in the medical field, starting from the role played by Policlinico Gemelli in Rome in setting up two satellite centres in Molise (Campobasso) and Sardinia (Olbia), and continuing with a constant sharing of data, resources of excellence and skills. This translates into the joint development of best practices in multiple healthcare sectors, also fostering North-South exchange and producing beneficial effects for less developed or transitional Italian regions.
Financial Resources
This project received 12,050,000 euro in funding from the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020, under Action “Thematic Projects - Key Enabling Technologies – KETs” through the Fund of Funds for Research and Innovation managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and established to increase investment in research and development. The EU resources available to the Fund of Funds are invested through one or more financial intermediaries and may take the form of loans, equity or quasi-equity, or equivalent instruments.
Impact on the Territory
The project falls within the “Health” specialization area and involves the innovative enabling technology of Artificial Intelligence applied to Life Sciences. The beneficiary of the funding is Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli which was granted the status of IRCCS (Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare) for personalized medicine and innovative biotechnologies by the Health Ministry in 2018. This status allows the Institute to have access to public research funding.
In addition to conducting clinical research trials, the project will also foster collaborations with industrial partners aimed at, among other things, the identification of new therapies, with digitization and partial virtualization solutions for clinical trials aimed at the certification of medicinal products, with considerable savings in time and R&D costs.
The industrial objective is to launch ‒ within three years ‒ at least 16 “co-creation” initiatives (i.e., joint design and implementation of highly innovative services). In this regard, Gruppo Gemelli has already activated or is negotiating a number of paid research programmes with leading pharmaceutical industries, including Roche, GSK, Astra Zeneca, Menarini, Novartis, Bayer.
The project has the ambition to create new professions (experts in data science/AI for medicine) and digital skills for the clinical staff of the three centres, with top-level training courses and new professional roles in a fast-growing industrial sector. In terms of research, Gruppo Gemelli aims to carry out a volume of some 100 trials, 20 of which have already started.
In the medium term, thanks to the development of a proprietary platform that will provide software solutions to be delivered both on-site or as-a-service, the project can become a generator of recurring revenue and thus be financially sustainable. The new business area that will be developed will lead to the creation of spin-offs through the establishment of a Newco, also open to third-party capital.