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ATTICUS - Ambient-intelligent Tele-monitoring and Telemetry for Incepting & Catering over Human Sustainability
“ATTICUS - Ambient-intelligent Tele-monitoring and Telemetry for Incepting & Catering over Human Sustainability" aims to develop a hardware/software system based on Artificial Intelligence, able to constantly monitor an individual and to report any anomalies found. The anomalies reported by the system concern both the state of health and the behaviour (habits, movements) of a patient. More specifically, a “smart wearable” device, i.e., a wearable garment, for example a T-shirt, made with innovative fabrics, non-invasively acquires a person’s vital parameters (e.g., ECG, GSR, respiratory behaviour, oxygen saturation) and transmits them to an electronic device, integrated into the fabric, which is able to process the acquired data locally and also to analyse the user's movements both inside and outside the home. The acquired data is transmitted to an “ambient intelligence” device, i.e. a home station, able to analyse the data in real time using Artificial Intelligence algorithms and detect any anomalies in a short time.
In case the home station is not available, the smart wearable device is itself able to detect any anomalies. Any anomaly detected is notified to a decision support system and if the alarm is confirmed, the system alerts a rescue operations centre providing the signal traces, in real time, of the sensors that produced the anomaly.
Financial Resources
This 40-month project was funded by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Axis II “Thematic Projects”, Action “Clusters”, which finances industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 specialization areas identified by the National Research Programme (NRP) 2015-2020, in particular in the “Technologies for Living Environments” specialization area.
For the implementation of this initiative, a budget of 2,599,808.65 euro was allocated to the following beneficiaries forming the public-private partnership:
- Regione Molise
- Consorzio Italia Coop sociale
- Disc Spa
- ModaIMpresa Srl
- University of Molise
- University of Sannio in Benevento
Impact on the Territory
ATTICUS can operate in different application scenarios. Within the framework of this project, it finds application in the silver economy in the context of active ageing and home care for elderly people. The ultimate goal is to create a monitoring centre which has a positive impact in terms of employment, fostering the recruitment of physicians and specialists for the management of alarms, and of technicians for the management and evolution of ATTICUS. In addition, ATTICUS makes an effective contribution to filling the territorial gap between care and patients, as well as providing rapid access to proactive health services , i.e., those that already have enough statistics, inferences, key risk factors to provide timely and personalized care, i.e. tailored to the risk that has arisen.