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Isyport – Integrated System for the Mitigation of Navigation Risks in Port Areas
The Project
“Isyport – Integrated System for the Mitigation of Navigation Risks in Port Areas” addresses the challenge of safe navigation in port areas and in areas located close to port infrastructures, which are at a higher risk of maritime accidents. After analysing the risks associated with navigation in port areas, also taking into account the future needs related to the use of LNG as a green fuel for ship propulsion, an integrated system of high-tech methods and instruments will be built, based on information obtained from innovative sensors, numerical simulations and control and decision support systems. The project involves the setting up of modelling chains to provide reliable marine weather forecasts, and the development of systems for monitoring marine weather conditions and tracking ships using X-band radars and infrared vision systems. This information is made available through the development of an assisted navigation platform, available free of charge to all users, which includes a “sensor data fusion” system and “real-time” analysis through which both professional and amateur users can share, among them and with port operators, via an app, all the available information for safe manoeuvring in ports.
The project involves a testing phase at the ports of Augusta and Catania, which have very different infrastructure and vessel characteristics.
Financial Resources
The 30-month project was financed by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 under Axis II “Thematic Projects”, Action “Clusters”, which finances industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 specialization areas identified by the National Research Programme ‒Programma Nazionale per la Ricerca (PNR) 2015-2020, in particular in the “Blue Growth” specialization area. For the implementation of this initiative, a budget of 2.345.400 euro was allocated to the following beneficiaries forming the public-private partnership:
- Etna Hitech Scpa (lead partner);
- University of Genova;
- University of Catania;
- University of Trieste;
- Kore University of Enna;
- DNV Maritime Italy S.r.l;
- La Ricostruzione Srl;
- Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea
Impact on the Territory
The project aims to contribute to increasing competitiveness in maritime economy, a key sector for the national economy and, in particular, in maritime traffic, in line with the EU Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies. Italy is a world leader in terms of assets and skills in the sector of maritime transport of people and goods. This leadership position needs to be maintained and strengthened by introducing new Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) such as information and communication technologies, in line with the objectives of the Digital Agenda, as well as through cross-fertilization of different knowledge domains and the testing of innovations in living labs, where different stakeholders can mutually benefit from system innovation. In addition, the project aims to promote employment by contributing to the growth of the international competitiveness of Italian ports by providing open source and user friendly services aimed at increasing navigation safety and mitigating the impacts of possible accidents on human life and property.
Further Reading:
Premiata tesi di laurea sul porto di Augusta, neo ingegnere ricevuto al Comune (ITA)
(, 9 May 2022)
Augusta | Il neo ingegnere Giovanni Santonocito, vincitore del premio “Alberto Giovannini” ricevuto al Municipio (ITA)
(, 4 May 2022)