Notizie correlate
- 06/10/2023
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Adam’s Hand, il PON Ricerca e Innovazione sostiene l’ideazione della prima mano bionica completamente adattiva
Kiber – Instant Expertise Everywhere is an integrated wearable system. Integrated into any helmet, it allows users to share images and technical information via live streaming with one or more remote users through an augmented reality binocular viewer and to interact online in a shared space for live collaboration. Initially designed to address the need for remote assistance, the project aims to expand the range of options offered by the platform with new technical support services allowing users to receive important digital data and expertise by remote operators in real time, which will help them to perform their tasks more effectively and efficiently.
The peculiarity of Kiber 3 lies in the native hardware and software integration which ensures high performance, low weight (1.1 kg) and low energy consumption: the system has an autonomy of a full working day and uses multiple frequency bands, from 2G, for remote operations, up to 5G and satellite communications.
Financial Resources
The project obtained 2.200.000 euro in funding from the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020, under Action "Thematic Projects - Key Enabling Technologies - KETs" through the Fund of Funds for Research and Innovation managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and established to increase investment in research and development. The EU resources available to the Fund of Funds are invested through one or more financial intermediaries and may take the form of loans, equity or quasi-equity, or equivalent instruments. In this case, the investment is in the form of risk capital.
Impact on the Territory
This project falls within the “Smart Factory” specialization area and involves the Micro and Nano Electronics enabling technology. The beneficiary of the funding is VRMedia Srl, a spin-off company of Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa established in 2002 that develops augmented reality technologies and wearable devices for the remote maintenance of industrial facilities.
In order to expand the platform, a development team will be created in the region of Sardinia, consisting of 20 young talents with a high level of expertise in the sector of new technologies who will be working in collaboration with the University of Cagliari. The project will build a cutting-edge framework which will produce a local knowledge base and enabling skills in the field of Industry 4.0, able to compete with the largest international research and development centres. VRMedia will conduct experimental development and industrial research activities at the new operational headquarters in Cagliari, thus generating a significant impact on the region in terms of jobs and collaboration with local universities and research organizations.
Technological evolution will enable the company to become the first European company to provide an HW and SW integrated vertical platform for the industrial sector, consolidating its capacity to reach the global market.
Al fondo Rif il 27,5% della pisana VRMedia (from IlSole24Ore of 12 May 2021)
Il fondo Rif, gestito da Equiter, investe 2,2 mln euro nella realtà aumentata di VRMedia (from Bebeez of 17 May 2021)